Mary-Margaret Noland

Atlanta, GA

Mary-Margaret Noland

Atlanta, GA

Mary-Margaret Noland practices litigation in the firm’s Atlanta office, focusing mainly in the areas of construction defect and products liability litigation. She also has experience in bad faith, commercial litigation, coverage, premises liability and professional liability. With nearly two decades of experience in litigation, Mary-Margaret has represented general contractors, developers, various subcontractor entities, a national window manufacturing company, as well as HOAs and individual homeowners.

Mary-Margaret is married with four children. She spends time outdoors with her family, usually watching the children play baseball, football and soccer games. She loves to go to the beach, travel, exercise, ski and see friends and family.

Practice Areas

Bad Faith

Commercial & Business Litigation

Construction Litigation


Miscellaneous Professionals

Premises Liability

Products Liability

Management & Professional Liability

Insurance Coverage

Curriculum Vitae

Education (3)
  • University of South Carolina (JD) ()
  • Vermont Law School (MSEL) ()
  • Wofford College (BA, summa cum laude) ()
Professional Memberships (3)
  • South Carolina Bar Association
  • Charleston Bar Association
  • State Bar of Georgia
Bar Admissions (3)
  • South Carolina (2004)
  • Georgia (2012)
  • US District Court, District of South Carolina (2009)
Publications (1)
  • Contributing Author: Insurance Stacking Chapter Update for The Law of Automobile Insurance in South Carolina
    6th Ed. 2009
Community Involvements (1)
  • Eastminster Presbyterian Church