After graduating from Northwestern University’s Pritzker School of Law, attorney Jeff Kuykendal practiced at a prominent law firm in Arizona before joining MGC’s Charlotte office a decade ago. “My litigation background is diverse, as I have handled a wide variety of issues,” he says. “My practice has included medical malpractice, business disputes, estate disputes, coverage issues, first party bad faith claims, federal cases, appellate cases and cases in bankruptcy court.”
Given the current COVID-19 court system restrictions, Jeff is going above and beyond by thinking and acting creatively as a member of MGC’s COVID-19 Response Team. “I think the biggest issue will be third party lawsuits from people claiming to have contracted the virus from certain businesses,” he says. “I find ways to accomplish litigation objectives without a courtroom, whether it is through negotiating solutions to disputes over discovery to advancing settlement proposals, to anything that moves the needle.”
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