Supreme Court Issues Twenty-Fifth Order Extending Declaration of Judicial Emergency
The Supreme Court of Virginia extended the Declaration of Judicial Emergency through August 11, 2021. The following is ordered:
Safety Protocols
Chief judges and presiding judges of all courts should exercise their discretion in determining how best to safely operate their respective courts, including how to safely conduct jury trials, and, in doing so, may follow the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Virginia Department of Health, with respect to safety protocols, including physical distancing and capacity restrictions and requiring a mask covering the mouth and nose.
Admission to Courthouse
All courts and security personnel shall continue to screen individuals entering the courthouse if recommended, and to the extent recommended, by the Virginia Department of Health.
Speedy Trial Act
While the Speedy Trial Act, Va. Code § 19.2-243, has its own tolling provisions, speedy trial act deadlines continue to be tolled by this order during the ongoing Period of Judicial Emergency.
Electronic Signatures
All courts continue to be authorized to accept pleadings, orders and other documents that are electronically signed, including those where the electronic signature is accomplished by scanning.
This Order shall be in effect from July 22, 2021, through August 11, 2021 unless amended by future order. Accordingly, the Period of Judicial Emergency now extends from March 16, 2020, through August 11, 2021.
The 7-7-21 Order is located here.
Appellate and local court information is located here.
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